It’s been a long while since we’ve hosted a Walking Wounded: Hope for Those Hurt by Church and Ministry, an online course that my dear friend and collaborator, Phyllis Mathis and I created a chunk of years ago to help men and women of all different backgrounds and experiences find their way to greater healing after some kind of church, faith, ministry wound.
Really, it’s about grief. About honoring our feelings in a safe space, about hanging out with other people who have different stories but with the same thread, and about gathering some tools to use to keep digging out toward freedom.
When we set the date for this we truly didn’t know what the USA would be experiencing, but in thinking about it there really couldn’t be a better time for those who need it t get a little extra help. The election stuff has stirred up a lot of deep things related to faith and church in a significant way and while that’s not exact the focus of the course, the timing is probably right.
Walking Wounded is for anyone who is working through a painful and confusing aftermath of a negative faith-based experience as a leader, student, church member, pastor–anyone.
If you’ve been asked or forced to leave a church because of theological differences or questioning, felt forced to conform or been consistently overlooked, been on the receiving end of “love the sinner, hate the sin,”, questioned church/ministry leadership and been shamed or discarded, felt sad, angry, afraid, lost or betrayed after a church/ministry leadership or member experience, experienced a faith shift and feel lonely, unsure, or lost, or are having significant trouble post-election related to how it intersects with Christianity, you will be in good company.
It’s a mix of video, conversation, readings, journaling, storytelling, and wellness exercises, all centered on moving through the confusion in to a place of greater purpose and peace. We laugh, we cry, we find healing in knowing we’re not the only ones.
You’re not crazy, and you’re not alone.
I always say I wish we didn’t need this course, but I’m glad it exists. For me, it’s an honor to be part of it each and every time.
If you or anyone else you know would like to join us, we start on February 13th and you need to register as soon as you can as space is limited.
Go to Transform Network for all of the details and registration information.
If you have any questions, please let me know!